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Ongoing Research and Monitoring Programs


YellowstoneNET is a network of People and an Internet platform called EPIIC that solves problems (Read More). Together they provide a People’s Science that adds value and trust to essential data needed to drive smart decision-making for all stakeholders. Our long-term research and ‘community science’ monitoring programs (RiverNET, LandNET, and WildNET) provide datastreams that fuel EPIIC which adapts to changing conditions and provides--among many products--the ecological forecasts to craft a preventative health care plan for our ecosystem. Datastreams come from thousands of ‘sensors’ ranging from people with cell phone apps to airborne drones and spaceborne satellites. A newly formed public-private coalition is constructing EPIIC that is building the world’s first Internet of Things for Nature ( IoT - Nature) in the Yellowstone Ecosystem which includes the world’s first national park and our nation’s first forest reserve.

"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change"

-Stephen Hawking

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Photo by: Carter Gowl


YERC developed 4 new programs - RiverNET, LandNET, WildNET, YellowstoneNET - as a result of the Envision Yellowstone Summit at Mammoth Hot Springs in 2017.  They are based on the culmination of 32 years of ecosystem monitoring and research that took advantage of natural and policy experiments that played out over decades and across large landscapes. 

These new programs translate our ongoing programs into decision-making, conservation action, future forecasts, and smart planning - all to monitor and maintain ecosystem health.


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  • RiverNET: a community science water quality & quantity monitoring program to improve the resolution of data

  • WildNET: combines emerging technologies, community collaboration, and ecosystem science to find solutions for pressing wildlife conservation issues LEARN MORE ➞

  • LandNET: a community based cooperative for Diagnostics and Prognosis for Agro-Ecosystem Health LEARN MORE ➞

  • YellowstoneNET: features a network of people (citizen stewards) and our emerging cloud-based computer platform called EPIIC (Ecosystem Prognosis, Impacts, and Information Cooperative).  This will be an open access 'service' for the GYE of shareholders and provide fast turn-around data delivery and user-interactions for our RiverNET, LandNET and WildNET programs LEARN MORE ➞


Legacy Programs:

We consolidated our past research projects (n = 96!) since 1993 into three programs that are still active. This means they are ‘continuing’ which is one of the key foundational pillars of YERC’s unique research programs: (1) long-term, (2) large-scale, (3) collaborative, and (4) adaptive.

As we seek to sustain these, we'll need YOU and the ongoing collaborations of all five shareholders groups: agencies, universities, businesses/corporations, NGOs, and concerned citizens/landowners as we form a new conservation 'tribe' in the GYE to put our research (science) to work and solve problems.

Our ongoing programs include:


Photo Credit: Patrick Cross

  • Predator-prey Dynamics

  • Disturbance Impacts

  • High-tech Landscapes